About ACWeaver - Anita Caldwell

Each original piece is handwoven using natural fibers such as cottons, linen, silk, cashmere, alpaca and wools.  If possible I try to support local as well as free trade yarn sources. I select tools based on the project's structure, techniques, loom, and fibers. I love to explore adapting floor loom structures to the drawloom and  working with boucle cotton and felting handwoven wool fabric. I draw inspiration from weaving literature and design theories like Fibonacci Series and the Golden Ratio. Years of experience allow me to continually explore and create unique, evolving pieces.

My handwoven fabrics feature vibrant colours and motifs like animals and trees.  I love to explore different ways of applying pattern to my fabric using different weaving structures, and colour during the weaving process.  Images are sometimes also silkscreened or needle felting onto the resulting fabric.

My designs are often inspired by personal experiences. I will often create pieces influenced by a trips or other significant events.  More recent inspirations have come from our joint COVID experience .

You can reach me at:  caldwellanitae@gmail.com or acweaver@2shuttles.ca